Failed drug test? Be seen within two working days!
Margie Roop, LPCC-S; CEAP; SAP
I am a DOT SAP, U.S. D.O.T. 49 CFR, Part 40
Call: 330-419-3416
101 5th Street SE, Suite D
Barberton, OH 44203
"Personal problems do not punch out when people punch in."
Fees for Services:
Call for pricing for specific services:
- Substance Abuse Evaluation (SAP) Initial and Follow-Up Evaluations
- Supervisor Training
- Employee Education
-Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD
- Mental Health Assessment & Case Management
- Management Consultation
Company Assistance Program (CAP) Basic Plan:
Call for annual pricing based on employee count.
- Management Consultation for Substance Abuse or other Employee Behavioral Issues.
- SAP Evaluations
Initial and Follow-Up SAP Evaluations
- Employee Call-In and Referral for Substance Abuse Issues.
-Basic Plan members receive discounted rates on webinars, onsite trainings, or CISDs
Company Assistance Program (CAP) Premium Plan:
Call for annual pricing based on employee count.
- Management Consultation for Substance Abuse or other Employee Behavioral Issues.
- SAP Evaluations
Initial and Follow-Up SAP Evaluations
- Employee Call-In and Referral for Substance Abuse Issues.
-One (1) Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
-One (1) Onsite Training or Webinar
-Premium members receive discounted rates on additional onsite trainings, webinars, or CISDs.
We offer customized plans based on your company's specific needs. Contact Us at: 330-419-3416 or for your company's plan and prices.