Failed drug test? Be seen within two working days!
Margie Roop, LPCC-S; CEAP; SAP
I am a DOT SAP, U.S. D.O.T. 49 CFR, Part 40
Call: 330-419-3416
101 5th Street SE, Suite D
Barberton, OH 44203
"Personal problems do not punch out when people punch in."

How can we help you?
Last Chance Agreement, LCA, State of Ohio BWC, Drug-Free Safety Program, drug-free, Company Assistance Program, CAP, Substance Abuse Professional, SAP, Premium Discount Program, Premium Reduction Program, Management Consultation, positive drug test, substance abuse, workplace drug test, policy and procedure consultation, substance abuse assessment, referral for treatment, substance abuse treatment, pre-employment drug test, job applicants, hiring drug-free, maintaining a drug-free workplace, safety, safe workplace, getting help, testing negative for drugs, return to work drug test, positive workplace, Human Resources, supervisors, reasonable suspicion drug testing, post-accident drug testing, follow-up drug testing, aftercare plan, treatment plan, addiction, compliance issues at work, drugs, alcohol, marijuana, using drugs at work, prescription drugs, illegal drug use, recovery, sobriety, sober

Last Chance Agreement, LCA, State of Ohio BWC, Drug-Free Safety Program, drug-free, Company Assistance Program, CAP, Substance Abuse Professional, SAP, Premium Discount Program, Premium Reduction Program, Management Consultation, positive drug test, substance abuse, workplace drug test, policy and procedure consultation, substance abuse assessment, referral for treatment, substance abuse treatment, pre-employment drug test, job applicants, hiring drug-free, maintaining a drug-free workplace, safety, safe workplace, getting help, testing negative for drugs, return to work drug test, positive workplace, Human Resources, supervisors, reasonable suspicion drug testing, post-accident drug testing, follow-up drug testing, aftercare plan, treatment plan, addiction, compliance issues at work, drugs, alcohol, marijuana, using drugs at work, prescription drugs, illegal drug use, recovery, sobriety, sober